Like / As / Unlike / Such as. Like. - it is followed by a noun or a pronoun. - it is used to compare things. - it means ' similar to '.
Note 1- 'in order to' and 'so as to' are more common before stative verbs like: be, have, know, appear, seem, understand, etc. Example: she left work early in ...
So / Such / As / Than / Still / Yet · 1. Spain is. as, yet, such, Je ne sais pas. an interesting country. · 2. I wish I could speak French as well. as, such ...
Nov 3, 2013 · NB: such clauses are generally more formal and less frequent in informal speech. ... Yes , there are commas or dashes for such clauses .
We use so + adjective/adverb: so stupid / so quick/ so nice/ so quickly. I didn't enjoy the book. It was such a stupid story. We use such + noun: Such a story ...
The plu-perfect shows that the action has been done before another action (in the past). Adverbs such as "already" reinforce this impression. She learned to ...
Question tags are the contracted short questions at the end of statements. Examples of question tags are: isn't he?, are they?, won't she?, does he?, aren't I? ...
Lorsque 'comme' sert à comparer, on emploie 'like' suivi d'un nom ou 'as' suivi d'une proposition.
Time expressions that refer to the present, such as this morning/ morning/week/month and today, can be used with either past simple or present perfect verbs.
So...That / Such...That. So......That, Such......That....... We use so....that, such....that to show a fact (usually with a result or consequence).