"this" is used for an object (singular) which is near the interlocutor. Example: This book is the best book on Earth. > Plural : "these" (several objects).
This/ that. Quelle est la différence entre 'this' et 'that' ? 1) THIS / THESE : - On utilise 'THIS' pour ce qui est proche : - dans l'espace (ex : this bag).
Time expressions that refer to the present, such as this morning/ morning/week/month and today, can be used with either past simple or present perfect verbs.
A defining relative clause clearly defines who or what we are talking about. Without this information, it would be difficult to know who or what is meant.
1) On emploie "those" pour quelque chose dont on souhaite exprimer le détachement, par exemple pour des personnes peu recommandables selon soi, ou des objets ...
To We use 'to + verb' to say why we do something. Examples: I'm going to Ireland to visit my family. I went to the post office to buy some stamps.
- That : ce,cet, cette- pluriel : those : ces. Il fait référence à un objet ou une personne qui est éloigné dans le temps ou l'espace. Il exprime le passé ou le ...
Jan 3, 2006 · 1 a)Remember that after you have signed the contract you won't be able to change your mind. · 2 a) As soon as I finished college I want to travel ...
This forum is meant for all those who want to improve their English. And you've done the first good step by posting in English; yours seems already pretty good.
We also use this, these, that and those with nouns to show proximity. We use this and these for people or things near us:.