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Pronoms relatifs who, whom, which, whose, where, when. Read carefully the following sentences and complete them with the correct relative pronoun chosen ...
Pronoms relatifs - cours. Relative pronouns are grammatical words used to link sentences in order to avoid the repeated information they involve.
1. Anna is the neighbour son has just passed his exam. Anna est la voisine dont le fils vient de réussir son examen. 2. The ruler is on the table is not mine.
The man, is sitting on the chair, is a teacher. L'homme, qui est assis sur la chaise, est un professeur. - The dog, is eating, belongs to Mike. Le chien, qui ...
L' antécédent est neutre : of which · 1. The woman. which, who, whom, whose, Je ne sais pas. lives next door is a teacher. · 2. The book. which, who, whom ...
Pronoms relatifs · 1. Mr Smith,. which, who, whose, Je ne sais pas. was asleep, did not see the burglar. · 2. The burglar went to the only table. which, who ...
Un petit exercice pour utiliser les pronoms relatifs... Complétez les phrases suivantes en utilisant le pronom qui convient : Who - Whose - Whom - Which ...
Pronoms relatifs · 1. The man. 0, which, who, Je ne sais pas. phoned was a friend of mine. · 2. Do you have anything. 0, which, who, Je ne sais pas. you'd like ...
Pronoms relatifs · 1. The Spanish language,. which, who, whose, Ø, Je ne sais pas. is my native tongue, is spoken in South America. · 2. She likes the actor.
Pronoms relatifs · 1. My friends,. who, which, whose, Je ne sais pas. live in Montreal, sent us an e. · 2. The dog. which, who, what, Je ne sais pas. ran into ...